Driving Records & MVR Records

When considering candidates for roles involving the operation of motor vehicles for business purposes, it is crucial to review their driving records and public safety data. Conducting a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) check allows you to assess whether a candidate is a safe and qualified driver.

By conducting driving record checks, you can prioritize hiring candidates with a proven history of safe driving, ensuring compliance with safety protocols and minimizing potential risks. This screening process helps you make informed decisions and promote a safe environment for employees, volunteers, or contractors who will be operating motor vehicles as part of their job responsibilities.

According to Statistics

Work-related crashes involving workers driving or riding in motor vehicles on public roads accounted for 22% of all work-related deaths.
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More than 1 in 3 long-haul truck drivers have experienced a serious truck crash during their career.
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Motor vehicle crashes cause over 50% of work-related deaths in the oil and gas extraction industry.
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56% of workers who died in motor vehicle accidents were not employed in motor vehicle operator jobs.
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